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(Crime/suspense, 7×90 min./14×45 min.) In Sløborn, a coming-of-age drama and post-apocalyptic disaster thriller merge into a modern epic. In a radical, uncompromising manner, the series raises the question of what happens to us modern people when the thin varnish of our civilization collapses.

Distributor: ZDF Enterprises

Pitch Perfect: “Social workers Freja and Martin arrive on an island with a group of juvenile delinquents. When two bodies are discovered in a stranded sailboat on the North Sea island of Sløborn, growing signs indicate that the bodies are carrying a deadly disease. The fatal virus invades the seemingly idyllic island deeper and deeper—and slowly takes complete control of their lives. Law and order on the island slowly collapse. Suddenly the people’s fate takes unexpected, radical turns.” —Sebastian Krekeler, Director ZDFE.drama

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