Unearthed—The Mystery of the Shaman Woman

(History/bio., 1×50 min.) Aims to reveal the mystery of one of the most significant cases in European archaeology: the shaman woman of Bad Dürrenberg. The latest research shows that she was dark-skinned, had physical deformities and was a spiritual leader. The film—using high-end CGI and motion capture—compares the researchers of the Nazi era, who misrepresented and instrumentalized their findings, to today’s researchers, who meticulously compile findings and evidence and use cross-disciplinary methods to examine and evaluate them. It also substantiates the theory of the powerful role women played in prehistoric times. The story of this woman, buried with a baby in her arms, still fascinates us 9,000 years after her death. Produced by south&browse for ZDF in association with ARTE and ZDF Studios.

Distributor: ZDF Studios

Pitch Perfect: “We shed light on one of the most significant cases in European archaeology: the grave of the shaman of Bad Dürrenberg, a key finding of the last hunter-gatherer groups. From a time when there were no written records, this site was first researched by the Nazis, who saw a physically strong male warrior from an ‘original Aryan race’ in the buried person. It was, in fact, the most powerful woman of her time.” —Ralf Rückauer, VP Unscripted

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