(4-6 animation, 50×11 min. & 2×22 min.) Four young animal friends share an action-packed summer training as cadets with their lifeguard heroes, keeping the water safe at the spectacular Kangaroo Beach. Every dazzling day is an action-packed adventure, whether training to be lifeguards, mastering new water sports, discovering the marvels of the ocean or scuba diving for underwater treasure. With waves to surf, a coral reef to enjoy, fascinating sea creatures to meet and a tropical island to explore, they’re never far from fun—or danger!

Distributor: Australian Children’s Television Foundation

Pitch Perfect: “There’s lots and lots of fun on the beach, adventure and a rescue and water safety awareness and guidance in every episode. In Australia, we’re a beach-going nation; we’re a creek-swimming, river-swimming, backyard pool-swimming nation too, so we created a show that is entertainment first and foremost but also provides crucial water safety messages.” —Patrick Edgerton, Executive Producer, Cheeky Little Media

More information here.