(Drama) In this tender and hopeful film about trust and friendship, adapted from Quentin Zuttion’s graphic novel Touchées and directed by Alexandra Lamy, three damaged women come together to overcome their fears and fight for their futures at the Woman’s House at a therapeutic workshop based on fencing.
Key Cast: Mélanie Doutey, Claudia Tagbo, Chloé Jouannet, Andréa Bescond, Geneviève Lezy
Distributor: Newen Connect
Pitch Perfect: “A touching movie about women who become friends while going through a therapeutic workshop based on fencing. Directed by the famous French actress Alexandra Lamy (You Choose!, Rolling to You) and starring Mélanie Doutey (Post-Partum), Claudia Tagbo (When Granny Meets Grandpa) and Chloé Jouannet (Unfaithful). Commissioned by TF1.” —Leona Connell, EVP, Distribution